Monday, July 19, 2021

VR Sprint Delivery #4

This sprint, we were tasked with also lighting another team's VR level. My Fireflies team got the Labyrinth team and I took the liberty of lighting the swamp level after Dagobah from Star Wars.

Reference Image used for lighting

For the actual VR contributions, I had finalized on game ressing and texturing the various props and such that we have in the game:

This has a dissolve filter applied hence the yellow color on the cover

To exist with the texturing process for the team when it came to the props and environment, I had created a word doc from research watching Stylized Stations Studio Ghibli style videos:

When it came to the hill, I assisted David in getting rid of the seam as well as texturing it in Substance. I will need to go back and polish it for the next sprint:

To create a portfolio piece out of this project, I also created a diorama featuring the various props I created. For the portfolio piece, I specially made new foliage, ground, as well as candy pieces (the candy pieces have been put into the game as well):

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