Friday, April 23, 2021

VR Sprint 7 Delivery

 For the final sprint of the semester, I focused primarily on making sure the ground foliage was up to standard and made sure to bring all of the various ground foliage together. Below you can see the final placement of them as well as some pebbles and making objects were in proper positions. I made sure to follow the flow of the original reference scenes even though our play space is obviously smaller.

 Before doing all those things above, I also went back to fix up on the 2D grass blades as well as make an additional grass card made in the prior sprint. I focused on bending up the shape of the cards a bit as well as add a linear gradient on the wind node of the material to allow for the bottom of the grass blades to not be swaying around.

I also worked on fixing the 3D bush grass that Nitin made as well the various 3D flowers made by David and Vanna. Because of the way the UVs are laid out, a linear gradient would not be able to help mask out the wind affect and as such it would mask different parts of the foliage. In order to fix this, I made a new material for 3D foliage and made use of the green vertex color channel and exported the meshes and in Maya vertex painted black for the areas to be masked out and green for the areas that needed to be having motion.

The final key thing I worked on this sprint was create a last couple proxies we had missed in prior sprints for set dressing the cave chest. Below you can see two things I proxied, a book and a glass bottle.

All in all, me and the whole team are pretty satisfied with where we are at the moment with the VR experience and can't wait to see what the Summer semester brings.

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